Website Design
Our experienced web developers don’t just design web sites, we help you develop your online business. SQUIDLYdigital have created website for Government, Corporate and Individuals to help show case their products and services. With over 25 years experiences SQUIDLYdigital played a pivotal role in the Reconciliation Australia and “Drinking Choices” campaigns.
- Creative web design and development
- Domain name registration and management
- E-commerce solutions
- Easy to use Content Management Systems ( CMS )
- Database design
- Web site maintenance programs
Stable, Reliable Website Hosting
SQUIDLYdigital provide web hosting solutions to compliment our website design and development services. We offer flexible website hosting plans to suit any application and all of our web hosting accounts include:
- website statistics
- antiSPAM and antivirus applications
- web mail – email via your web browser
- unlimited email accounts
- unlimited autoresponders
- unlimited autoforwards
- unlimited email alias